Monday, September 24, 2012

Free Fall Physics Video

This video is super amazing. It has some guy throwing axes in the background while some guy with an accent from strange foreign lands is explaining free fall. He has a pretty awesome drawing of his example, and the background looks pretty strange. I don't think this man is from Earth, but oh well. He explains free fall in an understandable manner.

His example is realistic and relates to real life. One can see how dropping a ball from a tree is an example of free fall, and how even a simple task like this can relate to physics. That's pretty cool.

I don't know how to say this, but somehow his explanations make sense. They just do. Even though he isn't a professional guy, he seems pretty knowledgable about the subject. He should have been hired for Science Channel for making this video.

Well, this was the most appealing free fall video to me. The other ones I found were just nerds talking about math for 5 minutes then dropping an object for 2 seconds of the video.

If I made a video, it would be exactly like this. Just kidding.
It would be similar to this, but I don't know if I could get a man throwing an axe in the background, and maybe I'd make it better quality. It would probably be more planned, and more technologically advanced (instead of using a whiteboard), and I'd make the dropped item more noticeable. Just for fun, I'd make a slow motion segment of the item falling because I can. And I'd provide plenty of educational value to the audience, with super fun examples and stuff like that.
And then one day I could be on Science Channel and make millions.

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